5 Healthy Work Habits You Should Have

5 Healthy Work Habits You Should Have

Have you ever met someone who oozes productivity in your workplace? Or someone who has done the same (or more) amount of work as you and still gets to bring positive energy after the shift? Sometimes, you would think that these people must have a secret. Stay tuned if you want to dial up your low productivity level and remain functional even after work hours. These simple yet powerful work habits are some of the secrets they have.

1. Respecting others and yourself

Being respectful in the workplace goes a long way. Greeting your boss and workmates in the morning, saying please when you need help, and saying thank you when they help makes you an all-around good person. Studies show that by being respectful to others, people will slowly like you because you value their presence and feelings. When it comes to self-respect, you have a clear image of your strengths and weaknesses and how to play them correctly. Having a deep understanding of your limits helps you set boundaries and achieve goals like being punctual, meeting deadlines, and delegating tasks you know you could not handle. Build a healthy work habit that is respectful to you and your colleagues. You don’t necessarily have to be a ball of sunshine in the workplace, but by carrying yourself respectfully and respecting others, those around you will treat you the same way.

2. Asking for help

No one knows everything; sometimes, asking for help is difficult for professionals. Pride, uncertainty, and even thoughts of being the annoying person who always asks questions might come into play. The company wants to produce, and not asking for help might sometimes result in a poorer outcome. Do not be afraid to ask for help or questions because, at some point, you have to admit that you get stuck and your ways do not handle your workload as expected but remember to always ask RELEVANT and IMPORTANT questions. You can also ask for assistance from trained specialists in HireBiz to help you through your business or work ventures.

3. Time Management

We cannot stress this enough. Managing your time and responsibilities and learning which tasks you should do or drop for later are essential to a healthy work lifestyle. Make it a habit of approaching functions by separating them into FOUR segments: urgent, not urgent, important, and unimportant. If a task is urgent and important, you should do it now, while if it is not urgent and unimportant, then don’t do it. By knowing which task yields more urgency and importance and knowing which tasks don’t, you start to build a healthy habit of managing accordingly. 

4. Rest

Staring at your computer screen for 8-9 hours a day while endlessly typing and clicking would eventually lead to physical exhaustion, eye strain, and mental fatigue. Eye doctors advise those that look at screens for long hours to try incorporating the 20-20-20 rule. The rule basically states that every 20 minutes spent on a screen, you should try to look towards something 20 feet away for 20 seconds. To deal with mental and physical fatigue, try standing up and stretching from time to time to reset your mind and work your muscles. Human beings are made to move and live as social beings; make use of coffee and lunch breaks to walk around and socialize with those around you to give yourself a short pause. 

5. Stay Hydrated

Sorry coffee-lovers, but caffeine does not count. Instead, the well-known advice of drinking eight glasses of water a day also translates to work experience. Water does wonders for our body; it helps deliver oxygen in our system, regulates our body temperature, flushes waste, toxins, and a whole lot more. Buy one of those trendy water jugs or hydro flasks and make it a habit to drink water periodically. Additionally, you would feel extra energized at all times when you are properly hydrated. 

Practice building these habits and try to learn other healthy habits along the way. There is no such thing as the best health habit because the best ones are those that work perfectly for you. You could try inviting a friend to partner with you so you could learn and experience together. Take your time learning these habits but most importantly, HAVE FUN during the process.


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