How To Approach Marketing On Major Social Media Platforms 2022

How To Approach Marketing On Major Social Media Platforms 2022

Oh, how fast social media has grown! Ads, video reels, and sponsored posts are just a few of the standard marketing content brands push out on social media. A few years ago, when Facebook still hadn’t adopted MyDay, Instagram was just photo sharing, Snapchat introduced Stories, and TikTok wasn’t even a thing. Brands would hesitate to try out social media due to how new and unexplored it was to them. Unfortunately, those that failed to hop on the social media train did not get to experience how big it would grow. Another factor in the growth of social media is how brands and companies marketed their campaigns on social media during the pandemic. Billboards, flyers, brochures, and other physical marketing materials were quickly outdated, and companies focused on transferring their marketing to a digital medium. 

While many factors contributed to the rise of social media, we would focus on 5 of the biggest social media channels and how you could effectively market to their respective demographics.


Currently, there are 2 billion accounts on Facebook, which continuously grow daily. According to statistics, Facebook users primarily consist of people ranging from 25-35 years of age, with 56% male and 44% female. These numbers could be overwhelming and may seem like, “Wow! Look at the number of people we could reach.” While it is true to some extent, Facebook is more of a platform for the masses. The diversity and volume of Facebook users is its greatest strength but also poses its most formidable challenge. Marketing on Facebook could be a little tricky due to having so many types of media available for advertising. There are posts, images, videos, MyDay, sponsored ads, slideshows, Carousel ads, collection, live selling, pages, groups, and more. You should note how a specific medium resonates with your target audience. Invest in social media research to study how your demographic engages in Facebook. 



Home of curated, carefully thought-out posts. Instagram’s content primarily focuses on photos and is now slowly moving into short-form video format through Reels. Marketing on Instagram should always start with an eye-catching image and engaging caption, followed by conversing in the comments or posting on stories. With 2 Billion active users on the platform and 64% under 34 years old, hundreds of thousands of brands compete to take a piece of the market. Ironically, competing on Instagram is not ideal for engaging with your target audience. Although the platform has its fair share of photo and video ads as its medium, its ultimate gem is its influencer and collaboration-based marketing campaigns. Try finding the right influencer that aligns with your brand’s values, then molding a portion of your marketing towards the influencer’s strengths and audience. Finding the middle ground with your influencer is vital in making a successful campaign. Be cautious because your audience knows when collaboration is not genuine and agenda-driven. You would not want to be viral for the wrong reasons.



Youtube has been around since 2005, home to over 800 million videos, and ranks 2nd on the most organically visited site globally, with 90% of digital consumers’ go-to app for watching online videos. Like all other social media platforms, Youtube has sponsored posts and photo ads, but its primary marketing medium is video format. Through non-skippable 5-15 second ads before and during videos, the audience is constantly shown ads from various brands and companies. The simplest and most cost-efficient way of marketing on Youtube is to start your account and post your videos. This kind of approach would help your brand grow organically and reach audiences whose interests are close to your brand. Another form of marketing on Youtube would be doing video ads on videos. Carefully select the genres and videos you want your ad to show. A common mistake for marketers is that they try to blast every video with their ad, which will only end up annoying their target audience and new viewers they could have gotten. Curate your ads to fit the communities better; you would not want to show an advertisement on liquor and alcohol to videos about taking care of your health because it would not make sense to the viewer.



What sets LinkedIn apart from other social media is the platform’s use of growing connections and networks. LinkedIn is home to job seekers, professionals, businesses, companies, and brands. When marketing on LinkedIn, your approach should be slightly different than other platforms. Your goal is to align your brand with LinkedIn’s demographic and brand voice, focusing on professional growth, career development, industry conversations, and business development. You can attract customers the same way you can attract employees, partners, and collaborators. LinkedIn does not stop you from doing promotional posts but knows that by doing so, you are not playing to its strengths. Think of LinkedIn as a social gathering of business minds with everyone looking for an opportunity to grow; your approach entirely depends on you. Engage in discussions, join a group, build connections, foster relationships, and make a killer first impression. Lastly, ensure that you could still be within your audience’s reach even after the engagement.



TikTok’s rise to fame started during the pandemic. With its easy-to-use and easy-to-consume short-form video format, Tiktok has opened a new method of reaching audiences. Its best feature is the seamless and easy editing interface like adding effects, sounds, and even background music to their videos. The use of its 15-second video formats made marketers approach the medium in creative ways. There are multiple ways of engaging social media content on Tiktok, but you should focus on creating humorous and entertaining videos. You could start by creating videos by yourself and post TikTok ads, or you could try and partner with other creators to share your content like other platforms; these collaborations should be organic and sensible. An excellent formula to follow for creating engaging content on TikTok is to make sure that the first 3 seconds immediately capture the viewer’s attention and then retain it for the next few seconds. Try practicing by writing a storyboard, creating entertaining content, and testing whether this is effective for your targeted demographic.

To finish off, you now know the strengths of each platform and how to approach them with your social media marketing campaign. A simple rule of thumb is that you should always be authentic to your brand when creating content for any social media platform as a marketer or business owner. So, whether you approach one or all, you have at least a general overview and knowledge of how these social media platforms work. Check out HireBiz for professional advice and procedures for creating your very own social media marketing campaign.


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